Nivea no hace pruebas en animales.

jueves, julio 02, 2009

Comentaba con un familiar hace días, a raiz de su interés en usar productos que en su desarrollo y fabricación no hagan pruebas en animales, le comenté que a mi entender compañias alemanas de consumo como Henkel, Dial, Beiersdorf, Nivea, Eucerin debido a las leyes en su país de orígen desisten o encuentran métodos alternativos para probar un producto.

Ahondando en este sentido encontré en un foro de internet de vegetarianos una carta que envió el usuario Katieq a Beiersdorf solicitando información al respecto y he aquí la respuesta:

Thank you for contacting Beiersdorf Inc. regarding our policy on animal testing. We appreciate your concern about the use of animals for testing.

Beiersdorf has been at the forefront of seeking alternatives to animal testing. We have shifted our emphasis to in vitro test methods, scientific literature reviews and past history to establish the safety of our products. There is no animal testing conducted on Nivea or any of ourother skin care products.

Again, we appreciate and share your concern on this issue. As responsible corporation, Beiersdorf has been addressing this issue foryears and will continue to do so, just as we are also committed toproviding you with safe, high-quality products.


Consumer Relations
Beiersdorf Inc.

Habrá que corroborarlo al 100% pero no me extraña ni sorprende ya que como en muchos casos Alemania muestra una vez más una vocación pro ambiental y cuidado animal mas elevada que en la mayoría de países, que alivio. Sin embargo el problema que sigo viendo es que los procesos de teñido de cabello eran o tal vez son aun altamente contaminantes y desperdiciadores de agua.
Aunque leyendo más abajo en el mismo foro aparentemente L'oreal también dejó de hacer pruebas en animales desde hace 14 años, ¡ Qué bien ! habrá que corroborar también esta información pero por lo pronto da un respiro y esperanza.

Actualización 11 Ago 2012:

Mejor que eso, el sitio corporativo de Beiersdorf hace patente ese compromiso:

This is where new products are developed and substances and formulas are tested to ensure that they do not pose a threat to health and are compatible with the skin. This is done without animal testing: For more than 20 years Beiersdorf has been one of the world's leading and most respected research-driven enterprises in respect to its ability to develop in vitro alternatives such as cell culture tests.

Actualización 11 Ago 2012:

L’Oréal stopped animal testing on its entire range of cosmetic products fourteen
years ago. (Aparentemente desde 1990)

· Last year alone, we spent over £10m on funding alternatives to animal testing and have achieved some important successes, especially linked to the development of reconstructed skin models. These human skin models, developed from human skin cells by means of in vitro techniques, are used to obtain a better understanding of the biological mechanisms of skin and to evaluate the efficacy and tolerance of our products.

· For twenty years we have supported both UK and international research organisations in the search for alternative safety testing methods. Moreover, we have also co-operated with our competitors in this common objective.

Our pledge is to make products that are safe for humans and safe for the
environment. We want all our customers to be sure that they or their families
will not come to any harm.

However, your and indeed everyone’s confidence in safety is achieved because the chemical substances in cosmetics and, in fact, in most of the products that we use in our daily lives are legally required to have undergone compulsory safety tests which in some cases includes tests on animals. You may be interested to know that 99.7% of animal tests undertaken in Europe are for other purposes than cosmetics.

It is true that there are many different views and approaches to the issue of animal
testing which we fully respect and understand. However, as is the case for the
vast majority of other cosmetic companies we believe that a fixed cut off date
is not an effective or practical means to reduce and eliminate animal testing.
We believe firmly that dedicated scientific research into alternative methods is
the only way which will enable chemical ingredient manufacturers in the future
to stop all testing. L’Oréal does not undertake animal testing itself but we
remain committed to achieving the goal of a future without animal testing
through the development of alternative testing methods.

Please be assured that at L’Oréal we are aware of your concerns and we are striving to achieve a common objective. Like you we do not want animal testing and we remain fully committed to finding alternatives.


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